Women in Physics (WiP) held 7 successful events this semester to promote equity and diversity in the Princeton physics department. One was an event for the benefit of Undergrad Women in Physics (UWiP) about how to apply to grad school, with 24 people in attendance. Our average attendance for a WiP event this semester was 12 people. WiP got $700 in funding from the Astrophysics department enabling us to invite the astro/plasma graduate/postgraduate women to events next semester, and we invited them to 3/7 events this semester. We also had our annual joint dinner with the Rutgers WiP group. All the female Princeton physics professors attended one of our events this semester, at our invitation: Professors Lisanti, Dunkley, Ojalvo, and Staggs. We also had successful meetings with special guests Professor Nergis Mavalvala of MIT and Shannon Greco of PPPL. Next semester WiP will represent Princeton physics at the APS Conference for Undergrad Women in Physics held at TCNJ, hold a follow-up grad school info session for UWiP, and hold more events to bring together the women from the physics, astro, plasma and ELE departments.
Fall 2018 Progress Report